Freedom's Gate
Equine Rescue Society
Horses in Our Care
All the horses that come into the care of Freedom's Gate are assessed for health, temperament, and training/handling level. Once assessed, we decide where to go next; whether that be veterinary assistance, training/handling, or just time to decompress and/or re-gain health! Below is a list of the horses currently in our care who are available for adoption or will be available for adoption shortly. Ideally, we like to have all horses at a good weight, halter trained, de-wormed (de-ticked and de-loused if necessary), and picking up their feet prior to adoption. All new horses are quarantined for a minimum of 3-weeks upon arrival.
Permanent Residents
Below are the permanent residents at Freedom's Gate. While every horse that comes into our care will always have a home with us, some maintain a permanent residence due to health (often simply old age) or temperament issues that make them difficult to adopt. If you are interested in Sponsoring one of our horses, our average monthly cost is $200/horse. This of course does not cover their unexpected medical expenses. You can sponsor through our donate page, or contact us directly at freedomsgateequinerescue@gmail.com or 250-515-1056